Friday, October 19, 2007

Love Those Freckels Ladies

If you do nothing else today, turn to a women in your life, your daughter, your mother, your niece, doesn't matter who. It could be a complete stranger. Turn to that woman and admire something about her physical appearance. Next time you look into the mirror, stop before you criticize yourself. Don't lift up your shirt and look at your stomach. Don't turn to see if your butt got bigger. Don't suck in your gut. Look at yourself, praise yourself, be thankful for all that you have, all that you've achieved, all that you can accomplish. Self-love will create a feeling of beauty stronger than any diet pill. Surround yourself with positive images. Instead of hanging the size zero model on you fridge, hang this picture. Monitor the images you take in, the time you spend critiquing yourself and the manner in which you do so. Stay positive. -Enjoy who you are.


Anonymous said...

Thanks! I love my freckles, and I hate that when I go to the make-up counter the women always say. Oh and this foundation would really even out your skin and your freckles will disappear. I always say, "Yea I like my no thank you." Amen!

Anonymous said...

Thanks! I love my freckles, and I hate that when I go to the make-up counter the women always say. Oh and this foundation would really even out your skin and your freckles will disappear. I always say, "Yea I like my no thank you." Amen!