Sunday, October 14, 2007

Make Me Who I Should Be

Hello Adoring Bloggers,

The film below is one of the first ones featured by the Dove Campaign for Real Beauty and I guarantee it will amaze you. So enjoy!

I have recently discovered a new favorite magazine of mine. REDBOOK
I can't explain how impressed I am with it. I picked up October's issue last week and as I was flipping through it, I saw advertisement after advertisement that reinforced positive self-image for women. The magazine has a realistic, womanly feel to it. The women in this magazine look healthy. What a great feeling!! Pick up a copy!!!

They have plus size model advertisements!! [Gasp!]
They have a page titled "What to Do This Month," filled with great books to read, inspirational movies to see, and great music to listen to. It's not all about weight loss and make-up application. Shocked aren't you?!?!?
Are you ready for the real shocker? They even advertise Milano cookies!!!!
Dove advertises for its hair care line, stating "Make yours the hair you love." Wonderful right? And believe it or not, the woman on the page could be you or me!!! Excellent!
It also features great ads by Curvation, Playtex, and Got Milk. So props to Editor-in-Chief, Stacy Morrison and Hearst Corp. for putting out such an amazing magazine!!! Well done!!

Here's the Got Milk ad.

"I really do believe that every one of us can change the world. If enough people do this, we will change the face of the planet."

1 comment:

Emily said...

I LOVE that Got Milk ad. She is such a beautiful woman and such a good example of a health as well. Maybe I'll pick up a Redbook one of these days.