Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Dove Onslaught

Please, Please, this video. Dove has hit the nail on the head with this one. It is this type of campaign that really bring the message home. I would hate to hit you readers with all the good stuff right at the beginning, but this video is the latest from the Dove campaign for REAL beauty and it honestly took my breath away. It is creative, beautiful and the most realistic advertisement out there. So please, enjoy and think about what this means for the future women of our country.


Unknown said...

oh my gosh. this is kind of lame but i seriously got the chills. that advertisement is amazing.

Anonymous said...


I hope you have or will take classes in women's studies.
I hope you will always be a crusader for womwn!

The Troop’s Advocator said...

I love Dov's commericals. I LOVE this commerical especially. They definatly understand what is happening to women and the pressures we face everyday.